The Newbury Historical Study Association is dedicated to the promotion of education in military history. It aims to organise educational events on military history subjects involving talks by individuals who are recognised as experts in the subject-matter, and by post-graduates who have carried out academic research in a range of different subjects relating to military history.

The periods covered by the events will vary but will include the Seven Years War, American War of Independence, Napoleonic Wars, American Civil War and Second World War.


The structure and content of each educational seminar will vary, depending on the subject-matter, and will be determined by the speaker. Each seminar will have a similar format, as follows:

1. Brief introduction – speaker’s background and credentials to speak on the subject-matter.

2. Lecture-style seminar on subject-matter, with a particular focus on new research and the analysis of historical events and personalities.

3. Question and answer session.

It is intended that seminars will be accompanied by displays and visual presentations and usually followed by a simulation, where this is appropriate and will enhance the educational experience for those attending. The aim is to increase appreciation and understanding of the particular subject-matter of the seminar. For example, the famous Siborne representation of the battle of Waterloo at the National Army Museum in miniature could be replicated in larger scale and in greater detail and a dynamic simulation of the battle provided. 


Phillip Marshall – Juan Amador – Christopher Cornwell