The Ebro 1938: Republican Denouement?

NHSA 24 Kingfisher Court, Hambridge Road, Newbury, Berkshire, United Kingdom

For this event, in which we study the last Republican offensive  of the Spanish Civil War, the NHSA is very pleased to welcome Colonel Ray Wilkinson as our speaker. He is a retired Regular and Army Reserves Officer and an accredited member of the International Guild of Battlefield Guides and the Guild’s Chief Validator He […]

The Battle of Shiloh – First Clash in the West

NHSA 24 Kingfisher Court, Hambridge Road, Newbury, Berkshire, United Kingdom

The NHSA are delighted and honoured to welcome Scott L. Mingus, Sr. as our speaker for this event in which we study the early American Civil War battle of Shiloh. Scott is a multiple award-winning author on the Civil War whose many critically acclaimed works include "If we are Striking for Pennsylvania" and "The Second […]

Stalingrad: The Defence of the Factories

NHSA 24 Kingfisher Court, Hambridge Road, Newbury, Berkshire, United Kingdom

The NHSA are extremely pleased and honoured to have Dr Michael Jones as our speaker for this special event in which we focus on aspects of the Battle of Stalingrad and in particular the defence of the factory area of the city in September and October 1942.  Michael is a fellow of the Royal Historical […]

Stalingrad: The Defence of the Factories

NHSA 24 Kingfisher Court, Hambridge Road, Newbury, Berkshire, United Kingdom

This will be a repeat of the event held on 23 and 24 September 2023 in which we study the assault on the Tractor and Barrikady Factories. Please contact Philip Marshall on 07946 041733 if you would like to attend.

The Logistics and Attrition of the Grande Armée in the 1812 Russian Campaign

As part of our sequence of talks on Napoleon's Invasion of Russia in 1812, the NHSA are extremely pleased to welcome Dr Stephen Summerfield as our first speaker. Stephen has written extensively on the Napoleonic period with lavishly illustrated works on the artillery, flags, organisation, tactics, and uniforms of the Austrian, British, French, Prussian, Russian, Spanish […]

The Battle of Borodino: New Perspectives

As part of its 1812Week the NHSA is delighted to welcome back Rohan Saravanamuttu, as our speaker for a talk on the great battle of Borodino. Rohan graduated with distinction from the Department of War Studies, Kings College, London and taught as an assistant to Professor Philip Sabin. He is a contributor to “The Encyclopaedia of […]